Sunday, December 10, 2017

Relevance Search - Dynamics CRM

Relevance Search distributes a search in a single result list and sorts it by relevance based on a scoring concept. One key thing to know is that the higher the score, the more relevant the item.
Relevance Search can:
• Find matches to any word in the search phrase. Matches include various forms of the search word for example, “service,” will match to “servicing,” or “serviced”
• Search for text in emails and notes
• Search records that you own as well as those that have been shared with you
• Search for text in an Option Set and Lookup field
• Search for text in SharePoint integrated documents (scheduled to be included in the next Dynamics 365 update)
• Search for text within Documents in Dynamics 365. These include documents in a Note, Attachments, Email, and Appointments.
As you can see, the Relevance Search can do many great things but it can also result in millions of matches depending on the size of your organization. Luckily, for us, Microsoft has thought about that and included a feature called Facets and Filters. We get additional filtering by Record Type, Owner, Modified Date, and Created Date to personalize search experience.
Additional Filtering using Facets and Filters
Global Facets: You can refine your search results to Record Type, Owner, Created On, or Modified On. In this example below, I filtered the search results to only show records for a specific “Owner.”

Entity Specific Facets: When you click on a specific record type, additional facets appear. These facets are specific to the fields of the Record Type/Entity. System Administrators and System Customizers can configure which fields are available for faceting through the entity’s Quick Find view. In the example, clicking on Cases gave me two additional facets: Priority and Origin.

End user configuration: End users can also personalize their search experience by configuring the facet fields that they would like to see for any searchable entity.

Narrow your search to get results that are more relevant to your needs.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

PSA - Universal resource scheduling update

When scheduling a resource requirement in Dynamics 365, we now have the ability to take an existing resource requirement and break down the hours into different date ranges by creating multiple requirement details.

Navigate to the resource requirement record that needs to be scheduled.

Click on specify pattern to break down the resource requirement into multiple requirement details.

Navigating to the schedule board, a requirement that has been broken down into multiple requirement details is rendered on the schedule board as shown below

When a booking record for a requirement detail is scheduled within the specified pattern, the amount of hours that have been scheduled is displayed as shown below.

Progress Display

The number of hours that need to be staffed and the total number of hours currently booked for the requirement are displayed in the chart at the bottom right of the schedule board. The colors within the chart are based on the booking status which is configurable within the field service administration panel.

Display Associated Resources

When a search is made for available resources to staff a resource requirement, resources that are currently associated to the resource requirement (if any) are displayed in a box at the top of the schedule board.

This provides the dispatcher with the ability to view current resources that are scheduled to a resource requirement and provides the ability for schedulers to prioritize current resources when staffing an ongoing resource requirement.

Seamless Zooming

When viewing the schedule board, we now have the ability to either zoom in or out depending on the current view that the schedule board is set to. Example: If a schedule board is set to display bookings on the weekly view, you can navigate to the weeks schedule for a resource and perform the following steps.

Right click and zoom in.

The schedule board will display all the bookings for the specific resource for the week in question in the daily view as shown below.

Substitute Resources

With the recent updates to Dynamics 365 for field service, we now have the ability to substitute a resource that is currently assigned to a booking by following the steps below.

Navigate to the schedule board and right click on the booking that needs a new resource.

Click on Substitute resource as shown below.

The booking that requires a resource change along with the resource gets loaded to the top of the schedule board. This gives the dispatcher context on the booking that requires a new resource and the current resource that is assigned to the booking.

The schedule board will then display a list of available resources that can be assigned to the booking in question – based on the start time and end time for the booking that is displayed in the filter panel.

You can then select a new resource from the list of resources that have availability that covers the start time and end time of the booking in question. Click substitute at the top of the schedule board to complete the swap.

Copying Resource Requirements

The ability to copy existing resource requirements is now available in Dynamics 365 with the October 2017 Update. This is useful especially when you have bookings that have certain skill and time requirements. This can be accomplished by following the steps below.

Navigate to the resource requirement that needs to be copied

Click copy

The details of the requirement along with related child records like characteristics and roles will be copied over to the new resource requirement record.

That’s what’s new for Universal Resource Schedule Enhancements from the Dynamics 365 October 2017 Update.

Monday, August 21, 2017

(Post of the Month) - Build offline apps with new PowerApps capabilities

One of the most common scenarios you face as a mobile app developer is enabling your users to be productive when there is limited connectivity or no connectivity at all. PowerApps has a set of features and behaviors that help you to develop offline-capable apps. You can:
  • Launch the PowerApps mobile app when offline.
  • Run apps you develop when offline.
  • Determine when an app is offline, online, or in a metered connection by using the Connection signal object.
  • Use collections and leverage functions such as LoadData and SaveData for basic data storage when offline.

How to build offline capable apps

The first thing to discuss is how PowerApps applications access data. The primary mechanism for PowerApps applications to consume data is through a set of connectors provided by the platform such as SharePoint, Office 365 and the Common Data Service. You can also build your own custom connectors that can allow you to build any custom logic and capabilities as well as run them anywhere (such as using Azure Functions). The connectors are accessed over the internet using HTTPS which means your users will need to be online for them to access this data or functions that they offer.

Handling offline data

One of the interesting aspect of PowerApps is that it offers a set of capabilities and formulas that allow you to filter, search, sort, aggregate, insert and manipulate data that is consistent regardless of the data source such as if you are using a SQL database, a SharePoint List, a Common Data Service entity, or even collections that are locally stored the device. This allows us not only to easily build applications that can be retargeted to use a different backend but also that can be modified to use local collections instead with almost no changes to the logic. When dealing with offline data, local collections will be the primary mechanism that PowerApps offers today.

What we’ll be building

To keep the focus on the offline aspects and showing some of these new capabilities we are going to keep the scenario very simple. In this case, we are going to build an application that allows you to read twitter posts while being offline as well as tweet while being offline and when the application comes online the tweets will be posted and the local data will be reloaded.

At a high level, the application that we will be creating will do the following:
  • On application startup (First screen OnVisible property)
    • If online, we will access directly the connector to fetch the data and use it to populate a local collection
    • If offline, we will load the data from a local cache using LoadData
  • We will allow the user to post tweets, if online we will post directly and refresh the cache
  • Every 5 minutes, if online
    • We will post any tweets that we have in the cache
    • We will refresh the local cache and save it using SaveData

Building an offline Twitter app

To keep the focus on the offline aspects of app development, we'll show you a simple scenario focused around Twitter. We'll build an app that enables you to read Twitter posts and submit tweets while being offline. When the app comes online, the app posts tweets and reloads the local data.
At a high level, the app does the following:
  1. On app startup (based on the first screen's OnVisible property):
    • If the device is online, we access the Twitter connector directly to fetch data, and populate a collection with that data.
    • If the device is offline, we load the data from a local cache file using LoadData.
    • We enable the user to submit tweets - if online we post directly to Twitter and refresh the local cache.
  2. Every 5 minutes, if online:
    • We post any tweets that we have in the local cache.
    • We refresh the local cache and save it using SaveData.

Step 1: Create a new phone app

  1. Open PowerApps Studio.
  2. Click or tap New > Blank app > Phone layout.

Step 2: Add a Twitter connection

  1. Click or tap Content > Data sources, then choose Add data source on the Data sources panel.
  2. Click or tap New Connection , select Twitter , and click or tap Create.
  3. Enter your credentials, and create the connection.

Step 3: Load tweets into a LocalTweets collection on app startup

Select the OnVisible property for Screen1 in the app, and copy in the following formula:


    ClearCollect(LocalTweets, Twitter.SearchTweet("PowerApps", {maxResults: 100}));

    UpdateContext({statusText: "Online data"})
    LoadData(LocalTweets, "Tweets", true);
    UpdateContext({statusText: "Local data"})

LoadData(LocalTweetsToPost, "LocalTweets", true);
SaveData(LocalTweets, "Tweets")

This formula checks if the device is online:
  • If the device is online, it loads into a LocalTweets collection up to 100 tweets with the search term "PowerApps".
  • If the device is offline, it loads the local cache from a file called "Tweets," if it's available.

Step 4: Add a gallery and bind it to the LocalTweets collection

  1. Insert a new flexible height gallery: Insert > Gallery > Blank flexible height.
  2. Set the Items property to LocalTweets.
  3. Add four Label controls to display data from each tweet, and set the Text properties to:
    • ThisItem.TweetText
    • ThisItem.UserDetails.FullName & " @" & ThisItem.UserDetails.UserName
    • "RT: " & ThisItem.RetweetCount
    • Text(DateTimeValue(ThisItem.CreatedAtIso), DateTimeFormat.ShortDateTime)
  4. Add an Image control, and set the Image property to ThisItem.UserDetails.ProfileImageUrl.

Step 5: Add a connection status label

Insert a new Label control, and set its Text property to the following formula:
If (Connection.Connected, "Connected", "Offline")
This formula checks if the device is online. If it is, the text of the label is "Connected", otherwise it's "Offline".

Step 6: Add a text input to compose new tweets

  1. Insert a new Text input control named "NewTweetTextInput".
  2. Set the Reset property of the text input to resetNewTweet.

Step 7: Add a button to post the tweet

  1. Add a Button control, and set the Text property to "Tweet".
  2. Set the OnSelect property to the following formula:
    If (Connection.Connected,
        Twitter.Tweet("", {tweetText: NewTweetTextInput.Text}),
        Collect(LocalTweetsToPost, {tweetText: NewTweetTextInput.Text});
        SaveData(LocalTweetsToPost, "LocalTweetsToPost")
    UpdateContext({resetNewTweet: true});
    UpdateContext({resetNewTweet: false})
This formula checks if the device is online:
  • If the device is online, it tweets the text immediately.
  • If the device is offline, it captures the tweet in a LocalTweetsToPost collection, and saves it to the app.
Then the formula resets the text in the text box.

Step 8: Add a timer to check for tweets every five minutes

Add a new Timer control:
  • Set the Duration property to 300000.
  • Set the AutoStart property to true.
  • Set the OnTimerEnd to the following formula:
        ForAll(LocalTweetsToPost, Twitter.Tweet("", {tweetText: tweetText}));
        Collect(LocalTweetsToPost, {tweetText: NewTweetTextInput.Text});
        SaveData(LocalTweetsToPost, "LocalTweetsToPost");
        UpdateContext({statusText: "Online data"})
This formula checks if the device is online. If it is, the app tweets all the items in the LocalTweetsToPost collection.
Then it clears the collection.
Now that the app is finished, let's check out how it looks before we move on to testing. On the left, the app is connected;
and on the right, it's offline, with one tweet ready to post when it's online again.

Drilling into a CRM record from a Power BI table.

Power Bi is powerful but SQL Reporting Services remains relevant One trick with SSRS  is the ability to drill into a CRM record from a CRM SSRS report with a custom expression in the drill action of a text box.

This can also be accomplished in Power BI in a very similar way.

It works for both Online and On-Premises.
Note: If your data is On-premises and you publish to the Power BI service, your deployment must be IFD (Internet Facing Deployment) in order to launch the record.

Create a query that includes the ‘Id’ field of the entity. In my example, I am reporting on Cases, so along with other fields I have selected ‘incidentid’

Navigate to an entity record and click the ‘pop-out’. This will relaunch your record and provide the complete url.

Copy and paste into notepad. What is important are the highlighted parts

1.     Your org information

2.     The Object or Entity type code of your entity (use could also use the LogicalName=incident”)

3.     The GUID of the record – dynamically supplied by the id field in the query

<img title="Drill into CRM records from Power BI" src="" alt="" />

Return to further edit your query. Select to create a ‘Custom Column’

Build out your concatenation partly by pasting from your url you pasted into notepad and partly using available columns. Use the ampersand as the connecting operator. Be sure to put double-quotes around text (“xxx”)
I named the column: URL

You should now see a field with your url

Click ‘Close and Apply’

Select your ‘URL’ column and change the Data Category to ‘Web URL’

Add the column in a table and it will be a clickable link that launches the actual record!

the long url is unattractive. We can fix that.

1.     Select the table

2.     Click on the editing paint roller

3.     Expand the values section

4.     Toggle the url icon selection to ‘On’


Error while setting a value of Account lookup on Contact in D365 Javascript Web API

You may get an error while setting a value of Account lookup on Contact in D365 Javascript Web API as below:
“An undeclared property ‘customerid’ which only has property annotations in the payload but no property value was found in the payload. In OData, only declared navigation properties and declared named streams can be represented as properties without values.”

issue arises when lookup attribute of the entity can accept multiple types of entity references.  Examples
1. Customer on Incident
2. Customer on Contact
3. Customer type field on Custom Entity.

We can resolve the issue for setting Customer type field in Javascript D365 Web API by adding a suffix entity name to the schema name of the field.

We can achieve that by adding the suffix entity name to the schema name of the field.

This  code demonstrates how to set Account on Contact.

entity["parentcustomerid_account@odata.bind"] = "/accounts(" + Account_GUID + ")";

This code demonstrates how to set Contact on Contact.

entity["parentcustomerid_contact@odata.bind"] = "/contacts(" + Contact_GUID + ")";

Fetch xml -'under'

FetchXML language provide Dynamics 365 users with more and more functionality.

This language is behind the user-friendly querying tool of Advanced Find, which offers many powerful options to filter your data.

A condition that became available with the release of CRM 2015 is ‘Under’.

This condition returns all records under the referenced record in the hierarchy of its entity context.

For example, an Account record in CRM could have a ‘Parent Account’ or many ‘Sub-Accounts’ or child accounts. It is possible since CRM 2015 possible to display these relationships as a hierarchy visualization. See attachment of a former note.

Out-of-the-box hierarchy setup with Account – the parent-child relationship within Account supports the concept of Sub-Accounts.

We have Account Adventure Works with Adventure Works Chicago and Adventure Works New York as Sub-Accounts.

We also have another parent-child relationship from Accounts being the Contact entity, Contacts being related directly to one Account.

For our example three Contacts are linked to Adventure Works, two with Adventure Works Chicago, and one with Adventure Works New York.

What do we do to see all six Contacts of Adventure Works, regardless of whether those are linked to the actual Account or a Sub-Account?!

Use  the power of ‘Under’, even across parent-child relationships.
From the s Advanced Find query above, look for Contacts, where their related Account (“link-entity” via the Company Name attribute), is Under our parent Account Adventure Works. This gives a list of six Contacts that are all linked to Adventure Works.
The FetchXML behind the scenes, with link-entity and Under code in bold:
<fetch version=”1.0″ output-format=”xml-platform” mapping=”logical” distinct=”false”>
<entity name=”contact”>
<attribute name=”fullname” />
<attribute name=”contactid” />
<link-entity name=”account” from=”accountid” to=”parentcustomerid” >
<attribute name=”parentaccountid” />
<filter type=”and”>
<condition attribute=”accountid” operator=”under” uiname=”Adventure Works” uitype=”account” value=”{account
guid}” />
This example of use og Under can be related to other related entities that have r parent-child relationships and hierarchy configuration set up correctly

Microsoft Social Engagement 2017 Update 1.7

Microsoft Social Engagement 2017 Update 1.7 is ready and will be released in August 2017.

New and updated features

Microsoft Social Engagement 2017 Update 1.7 introduces the following features:

Listening and engagement on YouTube

·         Get in touch with your audience on YouTube directly from within Social Engagement.

·          Users with at least a Responder interaction role can now rate and reply to videos and comments on YouTube.

·         Add a social profile for YouTube under Settings > Social Profiles, or get a YouTube profile shared with you before you can interact on this source.

·         Additionally, Social Engagement extended the listening capabilities and is now capable of acquiring video posts and comments on YouTube channels.

·         Any user with permission to create search rules can create YouTube rules under any search topic and add YouTube channels to gather posts and comments from.

·         Keyword-based searches on the video source continue to reside under the keywords rule and now also contain comments for actively discussed video posts.

Resolved issues

In addition to the new features, Update 1.7 addresses the following issues:

  • Fixed an issue in the Social Engagement content pack for Power BI that was causing the content pack installation to fail when the Social Engagement solution has no name set (found in Settings -> Global Settings -> Default Preferences). Please download the latest content pack from AppSource to avoid this issue
  • Fixed an issue in Social Profiles displaying the wrong icons regarding acquisition usage.
Fixed an issue for Surface Hub devices where the on-screen keyboard wasn’t shown when defining keyword filters

Power bi new matrix feature - Update August 2017

You can now natively put measures on rows in a matrix in both Power BI Desktop and
This is accomplished via a new formatting option for the matrix.
Here is  a table with years on columns and measures in values (and nothing on rows).
Add three measures: Sales Amount, Total Cost, Gross Margin.

Initially, the matrix puts the measures across the columns

Change that in the formatting options.

Find the Values section on the formatting pane and look for Show On rows.
Toggle that switch to On.
That  gives you the three values on rows.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Install the LinkedIn Sales Navigator to Microsoft CRM Dynamics 365 Online


  1. D365 CRM Online Environment
  2. MSDynamics 2016 and 365 Widget Rar File.


The following are the steps to Install the LinkedIn widget to Microsoft CRM D365

Step1: The user will have to download the zip folder from the following LinkedIn website link. Do not unzip the folder as we need to import the solution as it is to the D365 CRM Environment.

For downloading the zip folder use the following link and save the zip folder to a particular folder.

Click on the zip folder download link as shown in the above image.

Step 2: Now the user will have to go D365 CRM and on the ribbon, go to Settings> Solutions as shown below

On the solution page select ‘Import’ option

Browse for the solution file that we had previously downloaded and click on ‘Open’ then ‘Next’

In the next window the user will get the information of the solution.

The user can view the information by clicking on the ‘View solution package details’.

lick on Next to proceed ahead.

Note: User will have to check the ‘Enable any SDK message processing steps included in the solution’ if it is unchecked, click on the Import option

A dialog box will pop up showing progress of the import. Once the importing has finished click ‘Next’.

A summary window will display all the imported components, indicating the solution import.

Step 3: The last step of the installation process is to assign all users a ‘LinkedIn Configuration’ security role to give them access to the integration. In the All Areas drop down, navigate to Settings > Security and click on Users.

Select all the required users to whom you want to provide the LinkedIn widget access and click on ‘Manage Roles’ at the top.

A dialog box will pop up as shown below and check ‘LinkedIn Configuration’ and click OK.

The user has finished importing and configuring the LinkedIn for Microsoft Dynamics CRM online solution.

More Than One Form Was Opened at Once for the Lookup Control

In Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, when subscribing to a lookup event to modify an existing lookup on a form control, you must...