This is my next post about preparing for the MB2-714 exam (Microsoft
Dynamics CRM 2016 Customer Service) it is going to look at a new feature
of CRM 2016, the interactive service hub.
The interactive service hub is a modern intuitive interface tailored to enhance the user experience for agents with a customer service role. It contains interactive dashboards to help visualise information and determine which tasks need to be looked at. It also provides an all-in-one interaction / wall section on the case. (The Timeline.) The aim is to put most of the key information in one place to help resolve cases quicker and therefore to hopefully improve the quality of service provided.
Multi Stream Dashboards
The interactive hub contains a multi-stream dashboard specifically designed to help first line support staff. The agents can view and act on cases / activities quickly across multiple data streams which show data from views or queues. This might include “my acttivies”, “my case”, “case from queues I’m a member of” etc.
Interative charts provide KPIs on key items and act as a filtering tool to help zoom in on the required data. You can opt to see a only lists / tiles and toggle charts on / off. Plus you can apply global filters to help focus on important pieces of information.
To load the interactive service hub select the “Experience it now” option or navigate to articles and access it from there;
Another way to quickly access the interactive service hub can be found on the articles option within service;
Having selecting the interactive service hub there will be a short pause whilst it loads;
Notice that the dashboard initially displayed is called “Tier 1 Dashboard”, this can be changed by selecting the down arrow. The tier one dashboard includes panels include;
As you filter the data by clicking on the charts, “bread crumbs” of your selections are displayed in the filter area. Below you can see that I drilled in on origin and then subject.
These filters can be individually added or removed. Plus, you can click on the filter icon to gain access to further abilities to filter your selection.
The dashboard defaults to using this week as its timeframe but you can change it to look at today, this month or even a custom date range.
Having used these filtering options to “zoom” in on the required case(s) you can click on the items in the dashboard lists to load individual cases to work on them.
It is possible to rearrange the dashboard from a stream view to a tile view by using the tile / stream icons in the bottom right hand corner.
In addition to the standard Tier 1 Dashboard users can select from other pre-created dashboards or create their own.
Single Stream Dashboards
A single stream dashboard will typically show an aggregated view of workload. The single steam dashboard has tiles that can show information from views or queues like on a multi-stream dashboard. They also contain visual filtering capabilities like the multi-stream dashboards.
The tier 2 dashboard is an example of a single stream dashboard You select it from the dashboard picker.
You can immediately see the different between multi-stream and single stream dashboards once the tier 2 dashboard is selected. A single tier dashboard contains just one view or list. In this case a list of active incidents. Also panels and charts are displayed instantly, giving a quick way to view more detailed data about the currently open cases.
It is important to appreciate that a single stream dashboard gives a detailed view of one entity, whereas a multi-stream dashboard can include multiple entities, The Tier 1 dashboard we reviewed contained cases, activities and queues.
Meaning the Tier 2 single stream dashboard is targeted at an agent working on specific cases whereas the Tier 1 multi-stream dashboard is more appropriate for a service manager who needs a wider view of the information.
Manage Queue and Cases from Streams
A key benefit of the streams shown on interactive dashboards is the ability to resolve (or cancel) cases and route to queues directly from the dashboard.
Below you can see that as soon as I select a case I get options to resolve the case, cancel the case, opt to not decrement entitlement terms and by selecting “…” I can also delete the case, apply a routing rule, assign it to another user or add to a queue. All without opening the case or leaving the dashboard view.
With multiple cases selected I can opt to delete the cases, apply routing rules, assign the cases to another use or add them to a queue.
From the multi-stream dashboard, I can do other things directly from a view, including resolving tasks.
You can also load the case form directly from the streams, cases look a little different in the interactive dashboard. The data is arranged into neat panels that make it easy to review and change details.
The central timeline contains a list of all interactions connected with this case in date/time order. It’s also possible to add new activities directly from this timeline. Plus, you can filter / search the interactions right from the timeline.
On the right hand side, you see other related items and search knowledge base articles right from the case. When you search the knowledge base articles by default you look at only published articles but in the interactive service hub it is possible to search ALL articles.
The business process flows contain all of the stages / steps you’ll be used to seeing in the traditional CRM forms but the display is slightly different. In the screen shot below you may also notice tha the tabs are arranged differently to the standard CRM forms.
Below you can see that creating a phone call is a little different to the traditional forms. Normally you’d create the phone call from the social pane or open it full screen if needed. In the interactive hub the screen layout is quite different with the phone call (or other entities) being displayed in a horizontal panel on the right hand side of the case form.
Creating Interactive Dashboards
CRM comes with a number of preconfigured dashboards you can also create your own dashboards. Unlike the standard CRM dashboards this can only be completed by customizers / system administrators. The act of creating an interactive dashboard is actually very similar to creating a traditional dashboard. Within customizations select to add a new dashboard and opt for an interactive dashboard.
You then use the wizard to select if you’d like to create a multi-stream or single-stream dashboard and what layout is required.
Next you define the entity that will be used to filter the views, in my example I have selected accounts. And I have based the content of my dashboard on all active account. You can also default the date the records will be filtered on and define the default time frame. So in my example I opted to see all account created this month.
Next you’ll add the visual filters into the dashboard, clicking on the chart icon lets me select a record type, view and chart to display.
I can now opt to add additional visual filters as required. In my example I’ve included account by month, owner and industry type.
Now I add the stream(s) to my dashboard. These could be queues or entity views.
It is important to know that to make my new dashboard available I need to publish it.
Once published, when I reload the interactive hub I’ll see a message warning that changes have taken place and asking me to download the changes.
Once the download is completed my new dashboard will be available and will contain all the same filtering capabilities as the out of the box pre-configured dashboards.
I hope this has been an interesting post and has given you the insights into the interactive service hub that you’ll find are essential learnings for the MB2-714 exam.
The interactive service hub is a modern intuitive interface tailored to enhance the user experience for agents with a customer service role. It contains interactive dashboards to help visualise information and determine which tasks need to be looked at. It also provides an all-in-one interaction / wall section on the case. (The Timeline.) The aim is to put most of the key information in one place to help resolve cases quicker and therefore to hopefully improve the quality of service provided.
Multi Stream Dashboards
The interactive hub contains a multi-stream dashboard specifically designed to help first line support staff. The agents can view and act on cases / activities quickly across multiple data streams which show data from views or queues. This might include “my acttivies”, “my case”, “case from queues I’m a member of” etc.
Interative charts provide KPIs on key items and act as a filtering tool to help zoom in on the required data. You can opt to see a only lists / tiles and toggle charts on / off. Plus you can apply global filters to help focus on important pieces of information.
To load the interactive service hub select the “Experience it now” option or navigate to articles and access it from there;
Another way to quickly access the interactive service hub can be found on the articles option within service;
Having selecting the interactive service hub there will be a short pause whilst it loads;
Notice that the dashboard initially displayed is called “Tier 1 Dashboard”, this can be changed by selecting the down arrow. The tier one dashboard includes panels include;
- Active cases
- Resolved case
- Draft emails
- Received emails
- My tasks
- All queues
As you filter the data by clicking on the charts, “bread crumbs” of your selections are displayed in the filter area. Below you can see that I drilled in on origin and then subject.
These filters can be individually added or removed. Plus, you can click on the filter icon to gain access to further abilities to filter your selection.
The dashboard defaults to using this week as its timeframe but you can change it to look at today, this month or even a custom date range.
Having used these filtering options to “zoom” in on the required case(s) you can click on the items in the dashboard lists to load individual cases to work on them.
It is possible to rearrange the dashboard from a stream view to a tile view by using the tile / stream icons in the bottom right hand corner.
In addition to the standard Tier 1 Dashboard users can select from other pre-created dashboards or create their own.
Single Stream Dashboards
A single stream dashboard will typically show an aggregated view of workload. The single steam dashboard has tiles that can show information from views or queues like on a multi-stream dashboard. They also contain visual filtering capabilities like the multi-stream dashboards.
The tier 2 dashboard is an example of a single stream dashboard You select it from the dashboard picker.
You can immediately see the different between multi-stream and single stream dashboards once the tier 2 dashboard is selected. A single tier dashboard contains just one view or list. In this case a list of active incidents. Also panels and charts are displayed instantly, giving a quick way to view more detailed data about the currently open cases.
It is important to appreciate that a single stream dashboard gives a detailed view of one entity, whereas a multi-stream dashboard can include multiple entities, The Tier 1 dashboard we reviewed contained cases, activities and queues.
Meaning the Tier 2 single stream dashboard is targeted at an agent working on specific cases whereas the Tier 1 multi-stream dashboard is more appropriate for a service manager who needs a wider view of the information.
Manage Queue and Cases from Streams
A key benefit of the streams shown on interactive dashboards is the ability to resolve (or cancel) cases and route to queues directly from the dashboard.
Below you can see that as soon as I select a case I get options to resolve the case, cancel the case, opt to not decrement entitlement terms and by selecting “…” I can also delete the case, apply a routing rule, assign it to another user or add to a queue. All without opening the case or leaving the dashboard view.
With multiple cases selected I can opt to delete the cases, apply routing rules, assign the cases to another use or add them to a queue.
From the multi-stream dashboard, I can do other things directly from a view, including resolving tasks.
You can also load the case form directly from the streams, cases look a little different in the interactive dashboard. The data is arranged into neat panels that make it easy to review and change details.
The central timeline contains a list of all interactions connected with this case in date/time order. It’s also possible to add new activities directly from this timeline. Plus, you can filter / search the interactions right from the timeline.
On the right hand side, you see other related items and search knowledge base articles right from the case. When you search the knowledge base articles by default you look at only published articles but in the interactive service hub it is possible to search ALL articles.
The business process flows contain all of the stages / steps you’ll be used to seeing in the traditional CRM forms but the display is slightly different. In the screen shot below you may also notice tha the tabs are arranged differently to the standard CRM forms.
Below you can see that creating a phone call is a little different to the traditional forms. Normally you’d create the phone call from the social pane or open it full screen if needed. In the interactive hub the screen layout is quite different with the phone call (or other entities) being displayed in a horizontal panel on the right hand side of the case form.
Creating Interactive Dashboards
CRM comes with a number of preconfigured dashboards you can also create your own dashboards. Unlike the standard CRM dashboards this can only be completed by customizers / system administrators. The act of creating an interactive dashboard is actually very similar to creating a traditional dashboard. Within customizations select to add a new dashboard and opt for an interactive dashboard.
You then use the wizard to select if you’d like to create a multi-stream or single-stream dashboard and what layout is required.
Next you define the entity that will be used to filter the views, in my example I have selected accounts. And I have based the content of my dashboard on all active account. You can also default the date the records will be filtered on and define the default time frame. So in my example I opted to see all account created this month.
Next you’ll add the visual filters into the dashboard, clicking on the chart icon lets me select a record type, view and chart to display.
I can now opt to add additional visual filters as required. In my example I’ve included account by month, owner and industry type.
Now I add the stream(s) to my dashboard. These could be queues or entity views.
It is important to know that to make my new dashboard available I need to publish it.
Once published, when I reload the interactive hub I’ll see a message warning that changes have taken place and asking me to download the changes.
Once the download is completed my new dashboard will be available and will contain all the same filtering capabilities as the out of the box pre-configured dashboards.
I hope this has been an interesting post and has given you the insights into the interactive service hub that you’ll find are essential learnings for the MB2-714 exam.
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